February 23, 2007

Blood On the Wheel!

It's so dreary out that the weeds I have indoors are looking good to me!
copyright, 2007 JMH

02-23-07-It’s tax time in my area. Between the county, state, and federal tax reporting, the season runs longer than Christmas. It’s not that I mind writing the checks, it’s that the check I write is so small. I'm thinking of writing a new book in the horror/suspense,romance/disabled genre--something for everybody! I'll name it something classy like: Blood On the Wheel or Lipstick On the Gun.

The judge-I’m trying to pretend that whole hearing about where Anna Nicole Smith will be buried didn’t happen this week. What a nightmare!

Custer and His Naked Ladies-Permissions are in, and now I’ll tweak until I decide what to do with it. Any Hispanic agents out there?

Save the AFLAC Duck!- He and the Geico Cavemen are the only bright spots on my TV.

Google’s Font Fairy-I’m still struggling with the font sizes in Google’s new format. One is too big, the other, too small. Or maybe it’s just my laptop. Or my eyes. Can ya’ll read it?

Having failed to get an attractive space between margins on the left and margins for the quote that are centered, I give up. Just pretend the quote is centered nicely on the page, okay?

Quote du jour:
“It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world.” Mary Wollstonecraft

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