April 17, 2009

No apple pie today

graphics courtesy of Microsoft

Food bank- Today, I was going to post a photo of two apple pies my husband made. Works of art they were, with steam still coming out of the vents on the crusts. I thought better of it. I'm re-posting the above photo instead.

I know times are tough. They're even tougher for others that we seldom see. Out of sight, out of mind. Those of you who read my blog have read this before, but we still have the problem, so you're going to read it again.

Please, support your local food bank.

Support global efforts to feed the hungry.

We're getting so much wrong, you'd think we could get this one simple thing right. Momma don't want no more hungry children in the world, hear? Now's a great time to write a check. Much better than tomorrow or the next day. 25,000 people a day die from hungar. People! This is a problem we can fix! Let's get on it!


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