August 21, 2013

Free is a good thing! Thanks, Amazon!

Every once in a while, I like to remind my readers that, if they are an Amazon Prime member, they can borrow some of my Kindle books and my Kindle article for free! Here's the list of items available for a free loan:
A Three-Turtle Summer (novel, #1 in my Turtle Trilogy)
Free Pecan Pie and Other Chick Stories (mixed genre)
As Brown As I Want: The Indianhead Diaries (novel, #2 in my Turtle Trilogy)
Surviving Arthritis, How to live on a Rocky Beach (article)
If you're not familiar with Amazon Prime, it's a feature that allows you to pay a yearly fee and get free shipping on your books and music. They lose money on me. Amazon Prime members can also stream a lot of TV shows for free. But wait! There's more! I just don't know for sure what it is...I am not really a technical person. I'm still looking for the coffee button on my keyboard.
I hope you're having a wonderful summer. Happy reading!

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