I just noticed that a lot of people are looking for my Wanda the Witch stories that were mentioned on my blog to be on my regular website. Sadly, they have been taken off my main website to make room for a new web design. Hopefully, they'll be back. I don't know how to take off the ad for it above my blog. However, one Wanda story was posted on this site during the Wall Street debacle.Look for: Wanda the Witch Hits Wall Street on this blog (October 11, 2008). I'm so sorry for the confusion. I'll try to delete the blog but I don't know if that'll get rid of the icon at the top of my page. Augh! (I did it!)
Today, for the first time, I had a hit on this blog from Mexico. I was thrilled! A lot of my books and short stories are about my Hispanic family and I've always wanted to share those stories with readers in Mexico.
On my DVD player- Tony Bennett, Duets II. If you like Tony Bennet, you'll love this CD. All of the duets are spectacular but Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse, k.d. Lang, and Queen Latifah are a real thrill. Of course, Mr. Bennett is amazing as always.
On my bed table- It's more like What's NOT on my bed table. About 5:30 A.M. this morning, I decided that life is too short to read Tolstoy. Vronsky, et all, you and Anna Karenina are on your own. I'm moving on!
On my TV- By accident, I ran across a show called The Art Show on HBOFW. If you have children, find it. You won't be sorry. I've got to find out when it's on because it is a jewel among swill. I haven't seen this show since the first time. It's possible it's just on HBO dvd now. Look for: Classical Baby, The Art Show.
Keith Olbermann is back on Current TV-It's hard to watch right now with all of the injustice going on in the world but we'd better watch it to keep up. The bad guys are counting on wearing us down--don't lettum'.
Out of time for today-- have a good one
Oh...and Bernie (Madoff)- I haven't forgotten you, you greedy destroyer of dreams and lives. What's for lunch over in the big house? I hear it's tunafish lasagna--yum-yum!
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