May 01, 2006

Chinese food after the powwow...

Books for Mom...
A Three-Turtle Summer
As Brown As I Want, The Indianhead Diaries
Free Pecan Pie and Other Chick Stories

5-01-06- I liked May Day better when we hung flowers on our friend's doors. Now, it's just another day to protest. Maybe we could set aside one day on the calendar when no one would protest anything. Wouldn't that be refreshing?

Today, my Hispanics are boycotting. I can remember that, once, I asked my grandmother what a Chicano was. She said a Chicano was a Mexican who wouldn't work! In my family, everybody worked, and we were glad to have the job. Things have changed. I support Mexicans being treated fairly and being able to come over the border to work, but I cannot support violence or threats of violence. And even though we need my relatives to work, they are still guests in our country and should behave as guests. In return, I promise not to go down to Mexico and demonstrate.

Mom’s Day- I never knew what to get my mom for Mother’s Day. I would think and think, and then get her something dorky. I adored my mother but I am a lousy present buyer on special occasions. I do better when I come across something in a month like April or June—when nothing is going on. If I had her today, I still wouldn’t know what to get her this Sunday. If we were in Oklahoma, we’d probably just go out to a powwow (my mother knew a lot of the dancers) and go out for Chinese afterwards. How funny is that?! An Hispanic woman going to a Comanche powwow and then eating Chinese food…

In the mail- As I writer, I love and honor all language. The Comanche Language and Preservation Committee has a dictionary out that is terrific. It has Comanche to English and English to Comanche sections. Price is $34.00, which includes shipping and handling. They also have other language materials in a varied price range, some come with a CD to help with pronunciation. Contact them:
Comanche language and Cultural Preservation Committee
P. O. Box 3610
Lawton, OK 73502-3610
(Psst! I’ll bet they have a web site, but I'm not allowed to mention other web sites on this blog…)

Tee shirt rant- I started this rant before I got involved with Mother’s Day. It started when I saw tee shirts with inappropriate messages on children's clothing. The last one I saw said: You should see this shirt wet. It was on a 14-year-old just beginning to develop. What mother would let her girl wear a shirt like that?! Did I mention her mother was with her?! Some people have asked what I do like. I like two that I saw in a Macy’s ad. One said: I do all my own stunts. The other said: You’re looking at a legend. Now, that’s funny!

At the movies-Late-breaking news: Wes Studi, has taken over the role of Buffalo Hump in the movie Comanche Moon. First cast as Idahe, he took over the larger role when Graham Greene backed out of the production. You may remember, he was Famous Shoes in an earlier Lonesome Dove production. Lots of movie-goers know Wes as Magua in The Last of the Mohicans, and Geronimo in the movie by the same name. Why am I telling you this?! Because, if you're not a Wes Studi fan, you should be!

Iraq- Are we still in a war? I can’t bare to look anymore.

Quote du jour:
From my mom: “A wrinkle in your nylon is worse than a wrinkle in your face.”

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