July 01, 2011

Ahlam's Stories, stories of Iraq

    Ahlam's Stories as told to Val Dumond

What are you reading?- Let me know!
Politics-I’m so sick of politicians. Where are our statesmen?
On my TV-Chris Matthews (MSNBC)- I really like this guy. If only he wouldn’t let everyone talk at once. The Turner Movie Channel-Ted Turner has restored some new films that I’ll be watching for. I have forgotten the titles but will let you know when I see them. Mariner’s Baseball-if you have enough popcorn losing doesn’t hurt so much.
On my Kindle-Private Arrangements by Sherri Thomas. I loved this historical romance.
On my bed table- Ahlam’s Stories as told to Val Dumond, Muddy Puddle Press, Kindle, $3.99 USD
Synopsis, Ahlam's Stories
Stories of life in Iraq as you haven’t seen it.
--Love, marriage, children, work and play.
Pleasures and tragedies, hope and…life—
as told through the eyes of a woman who dearly wants
the West to know the real Iraq and its people
the way it was before…
--before her country was muddled with the boots
of invaders,
…before her lovely home was blown to pieces,
…before her family was maimed, killed, or sent
into despair,
…before she became so ill she has to flee, or die on troubled soil.

Bernie Madoff- What’s for lunch over in the big house, Bernie?

Quote du jour: “The practice of putting women on pedestals began to die out when it was discovered that they could give orders better from there.” Betty Grable

Janelle Meraz Hooper is a women's fiction writer who has a lot of friends involved in the magical process of writing books. She joyfully shares them with you.  
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