September 30, 2009

Introducing Boot Bucks for Republicans

© 2009 Janelle Meraz Hooper

I've had it with the greedy wackos. I used to be polite about the opposition, but these guys are just NUTS. After the news every night, I'll be sending out Boot Bucks to the Democratic party. With the Boot Buck, I'll enclose a real dollar. Feel free to copy it and send out your own.

September 11, 2009

Two Windows on Ground Zero

Dear friends, today, I'm reprinting a newpaper article I did for The Northwest Guardian after 9-11. God bless America and its people.
Two Windows on Ground Zero
Janelle Meraz Hooper

September 11th found me stuck at home alone with only a 38-inch screen TV, and a large living room window.
I could have done without the big screen TV. This was one time a one-inch screen would have been too big—too painful to watch. Over and over and over I watched the planes hit the WTC towers in New York City.
A feeling of being trapped overcame me as I looked out the living room window. No sign of the tragedy was visible in the surrounding homes. Not a person was in sight. Maybe it was a nightmare—but no—there it was on CNN. On ABC. On CBS. On Fox. On CBUT, the Canadian channel. I turned to Univision, the Spanish-speaking channel, and saw a blazing banner: Bajo (Low) Attack!
I must have paced between the TV and the window thirty or forty times. Looking at the TV, looking out the window. Still no sign of life in my neighborhood. Where could everybody be? At the time, I couldn’t leave my home, but they were all fully mobile. I can’t explain the intense need I felt to see a human—especially an American human.
Suddenly, A little dark blue import, driven by an elderly gentleman, raced up my neighbor’s long driveway. Attached to the back window of the car was an American flag. A message was painted against the dark glass in white paint: GOD BLESS AMERICA!
While I was waiting for him to come by again, I heard cars honking down the hill. Soon, a car full of hollering teenagers flew by my house. The car was painted all over with patriotic messages, and a young man was fully reclined on the hood holding up an American flag. He was wearing a shirt with an all-over pattern in red, white, and blue stars and stripes. Suddenly, I felt connected.
Dragging my bandaged body along with me, I hastened downstairs to get our flag. When I got to our front porch, I was disappointed to discover that my husband had removed the flag holder from the front of the house. Or had it just rusted off? Anxious to communicate with passersby, I stuck the flag in a huge flowerpot by my front door and went back to my television and my window. The window was a lot easier to watch.

September 04, 2009

Dump the Republicans

© 2009, Janelle Meraz Hooper

What’s up? We’ve been rebuilding our sundeck. The white spots are water--it rained. Well...this is the Northwest!

Politics- Have the Republicans in DC gone nuts? We elected them to govern, not wage a fear war full of lies and misconceptions. Their actions are unconscionable. Unbelievable. UNFORGIVABLE. To say they have gone over the top is an understatement. Maybe we do need a two-party system: Democrats and Independents. Our country doesn’t have time to put up with the baggage (lies, cheating, sexual scandals, Christian jihads, etc.) they bring with them. We’ve got serious problems in this country. Their actions on the healthcare issue are nothing short of scandalous. Dump them, dump them all!

What are you reading? Write and let me know!
I plan to have more guest authors this winter. I hope you enjoy them and their excerpts.

On my TV- I’m loving the Anthony Bourdain show, No Reservations, on the Travel Channel. What a wonderful glimpse into other people’s lives. Check it out, you’ll like it!

On my Kindle- A Drummer’s Life: Forty years In Rock and Roll by Karla Stover. A nice piece of rock and roll history. Readers will love it, historians will call it a valuable insight into the life and times of Rock and Roll. Shorter than book length…

Bernie (Madoff) – what’s for lunch today, Bernie, over in the big house?

Quote du jour- “Life must be lived forward, but it can only be understood backward.” Unknown. Courtesy of Alexander Vassilieff

Recession buster!
Bears in the Hibiscus,
a humorous romance
…Mary thinks the last person she wants to see on her Hawaiian vacation is Mark, her ex-brother-in-law, a Montana park Ranger…
Offered in eBook format on my site for $3.00 (PayPal Only). Available on Kindle for $7.96.

No time to edit. I'll do better when I get my bangs cut!