May 19, 2009

Pakistan and Three Cups of Tea

© Janelle Meraz Hooper 2009 The unknown gardener

What's up:
On my bed table: If you want a true insight into what is going on in Pakistan right now, read Three Cups of Tea (toward the end) by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. Some of you must wonder if I worked on this book somehow, because I mention it so much. I did not. I just really think it is a dynamite book. I’m almost finished, so you’ll hear about different books soon…unless I decide to read it again.

On my TV: Silly stuff. MTV is running some shows of famous cribs…that may even be the name of the show, I didn’t notice. It was fun to see how the richer segment lives, but I think one show was enough. I get the idea. They’re rich. I’m not. But, hey, as long as I have my computer, I’m happy.

Bernie: How’s Ole Bernie doing over in the big house, has anyone heard? What’s for lunch, Bernie?

Quote du jour:
“Be the type of woman who everyday, when you get up, the devil says, ‘Oh, crap. She’s up!’”
In an email from my daughter.
eBook sale: Bears in the Hibiscus, a humorous romance, $3.00 (short time only)
On my website: Free chapter samples on site.

May 15, 2009

Too many tubs!

© Dick Hooper, 2009

Today’s news- What’s with those ED ads Jim Moran (D-Virginia) is complaining about? I’m old, so I know stuff: folks, it doesn't matter how many pills you take, there’s not going to be any magic happening unless you get rid of at least one of those tubs…

The economy- What’s for lunch over in the big house, Bernie?

On my bed table- Along with my other books, I’ve been re-reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin. It’s much better, and longer, than I remember. The other stuff includes Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. I’m loving this glimpse of another culture.

On my TV- The Rachel Maddow Show (MSNBC). She has the most interesting and timely guests.

In the neighborhood- Right down the street, just feet from a busy intersection, there’s a new eagle’s nest. I’m wondering if they’re there for the road kill?

Quote du jour:
"Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of the night." P.J. ORourke, AARP May/June/2002

Recession fighter:
eBook sale! $3.00 (short time only)
Bears in the Hibiscus
(also available on Kindle at regular price)

May 01, 2009

Biden is right!

V.P. Biden- Biden is right! Planes are dirty, and those hepa filters they have might really work--if they cleaned them once in a while. I'm flying low today, or I'd have a lot more to say on this subject. I know we have a problem in the economy, but the airlines don't get a free pass for dirty planes just so they can make a buck. People's health comes first.