April 22, 2009

Confusion among the masses (all 2 of them)

Title Trouble- On some book sites, the title of one of my latest novels may read: Custer and His N**ked Ladies. I guess it's triggering some kind of porn filter. Oy! People! Naked Ladies are a flower in Oklahoma--and a metaphor in the book. I can't tell you more because it will spoil the surprise. While I'm at it, Custer isn't that Custer--he died in a miscount years ago...

Fox News- I've heard that Fox News keeps referring to Caesar Chavaz as a dictator. Not so! He was elected. It's all in the details, Fox. Get some.

Bernie- What's Ole Bernie having for lunch over in the big house? Has anybody heard?

Quote du jour:
"Anything worth having is worth cheating for." W. C. Fields, My Little Chickadee (unless, of course, your name is Bernie Madoff)

April 17, 2009

No apple pie today

graphics courtesy of Microsoft

Food bank- Today, I was going to post a photo of two apple pies my husband made. Works of art they were, with steam still coming out of the vents on the crusts. I thought better of it. I'm re-posting the above photo instead.

I know times are tough. They're even tougher for others that we seldom see. Out of sight, out of mind. Those of you who read my blog have read this before, but we still have the problem, so you're going to read it again.

Please, support your local food bank.

Support global efforts to feed the hungry.

We're getting so much wrong, you'd think we could get this one simple thing right. Momma don't want no more hungry children in the world, hear? Now's a great time to write a check. Much better than tomorrow or the next day. 25,000 people a day die from hungar. People! This is a problem we can fix! Let's get on it!


April 16, 2009

What's up?

© 2009 JanelleMerazHooper, Saturday night

In my kitchen- I’ve got a few Easter eggs left. Some cheesecake, ham, and potato salad. I won’t really get back to work until at least the cheesecake is gone.

On my bed table- I have a stack of books and a new Kindle 2. I don’t know which to read first. In the last two weeks, I’ve read The World Wide Rave by David Meerman Scott (Marketing), Graphics on the Kindle, 2nd edition by Manuel Burgos, Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style, and Isaac Mizrahi’s How to Have Style. You may know, I’m heavily into self-help and self-improvement books. The marketing book is a real winner. The graphic book resulted in my dynamite cover on my new Kindle book, Bears in the Hibiscus. So far, I haven’t dazzled anyone with my new style. I don’t care what anyone says, I’m keeping my wardrobe of tee-shirts from book festivals.

Politics- The fizzle in the drizzle. One reporter’s description of The Tea Bag Rebellion in D. C. courtesy of The Rachel Maddow show, MSNBC

No one mentions the pollution all of those teabags are creating in the water. Where’s the EPA?

Bernie-What’s for lunch over there in the big house, Bernie?

Quote du jour:
Make tax day and election day on the same day. Anonymous. Seen on a billboard

New! Baseball short story posted on:

April 08, 2009

Three Cups of Tea

©2009 Joyce Stevens

What’s up?

In my pictures file-a photo (see above) sent to me by my lifelong friend, Joyce, on her Hawaiian vacation. I have a good picture of her eating a snow cone, but I’m afraid she’ll hurt me if I post it! (Aw, Joyce, everyone wears a bikini in Hawaii!)

On my bed table- Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
I ordered this book so that I could participate in Pierce County Reads, the program where everyone in a certain area reads the same book. I wasn’t real enthusiastic because I had a new book to read already on my bed table, one that I was really excited about: The Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia). However, I am delighted with the book by Mortenson and Relin. I can barely tear myself away from it to do my work. Get it, you won’t be sorry!

In my garden- Twice in about twenty years, my red camellia in the backyard has bloomed. This is one of those years. I wish I knew what the magic trick is. It is truly gorgeous.

On my TV- Baseball! Go Mariners! And more Boston Legal. Can’t get enough of that Shatner guy.

Politics- Oh! did anyone hear what Ole Bernie had for lunch over in the big house today?

Quote du jour:
“Here (in Pakistan and Afghanistan), we drink three cups of tea to do business; the first you are a stranger, the second you become a friend, and the third, you join our family, and for our family we are prepared to do anything—even die.”--Haji Ali, Korphe Village Chief, Karakoram Mountains, Pakistan (Three Cups of Tea)


My new novel on Kindle:

Bears in the Hibiscus

Order from Amazon Kindle

April 02, 2009

Bears in the Hibiscus

Kindle cover, Rare Arts

My new romance- Bears in the Hibiscus, is now on Kindle! Thank you, everyone who helped with this project!

Politics-How about our President Obama and First Lady Michelle? Woo-hoo! The magic is back!
Ole Bernie-How's he doing today? What are they serving for lunch over there in the big house? I hear they keep confiscating millions and millions that he thought he'd hidden. How does that song go? You can't run from the long arm of the law?

Bush et all-I hear some of our past elected officials better not travel abroad--they may be arrested for war crimes. Will someone send those guys a travel catalog?

Amazon-I'm waiting for delivery of a whole stack of books. My UPS man and Bezos make such a nice couple.

Quote du jour:

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." Die Another Day, movie