January 23, 2007

Calling all Idaho Bakers!

Bear's Fish Camp, Alaska
© Janelle Meraz Hooper

01-23-07-Presidential hopefuls - Good grief! Where did all of you guys get your egos? Most of you have already risen higher in government than even God could have predicted. Go home! Shut up!

This guy, Brownback from Kansas, is the worst so far. He announced a few days ago that he and his family were going to “Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the White House.” And then, do what? Look for a brain?

These are serious times. We’ll be lucky if we make it through the next long, long months with Bush. We cannot afford to waste our time on a man who is Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

Brownback is not alone in his uselessness. Edwards, Kerry, Giuliani, Hunter, and Mc Cain (especially MC Cain)—go home! None of you will ever pass muster. You are small potatoes during a time when we need Idaho bakers.

Quote du jour:
"Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet ." Unknown

January 17, 2007

Is Kia made in Germany?

The snow has stayed too long
photo by JMH

I'll try to post a picture later--everyone except that guy in the big White House must be on the Internet this morning (I don't think the Big W reads. Maybe we could show him some pictures).
01-17-07-The war: Is there anyone we haven’t attacked yet? Why is no one screaming? Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia…Canada better look out!

On my TV-I must have been in a fog. My husband was the first to notice the background music to the new Kia ad. They’re playing So Long, Farewell, from The Sound of Music! Has Madison Avenue lost its creative brains? Has Kia lost its corporate mind? What’s up?! What’s next? BMW designing ads with the Flower Drum Song theme song in the background?

On Warrior (my computer)-Someone is confused about blessing of cyberspace. You see, guys, the page never ends. You can go on forever—for free—no stamps needed! So why is everyone from my editor to my HMO using such small fonts?! I’ve gotten email messages so small that I had to scan the messages, enlarge the font, and print them before I knew what they said. Knock it off!

My readers- I’m thinking of getting a world map so I can track where my readers come from. Some of them email me directly and come from countries like The Philippines, UK, Italy, Nigeria (Okay, that was one of those scam letters. Maybe it doesn't count), and Canada.

Quote du jour:
“Forbidden fruits create many jams.” Unknown

January 11, 2007

1-11-07 Northwest snow storm photos

All photos by Janelle Meraz Hooper, copyrighted 2007

1-11-07- I decided to post the photos that I took of our snow in the backyard, since you'll undoubtedly see the pictures of the overturned cars and uprooted trees on the news.

The photos were taken about eight o'clock this morning, and I may save them forever because I'm seldom up before the crows are, and there wasn't a bird in sight when I took these...although they may have been at the local eatery feeding on leftover waffles.

Quote du jour:

"Announced by all the trumpets of the sky, Arrives the snow."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

(Now don't ya'll email me about that capital A after the comma...that's the way old Ralph wanted it.)

January 10, 2007

The big Northwest storm

1-09-07 storm photos , the tree nextdoor after a high wind
1-09-07-So far, not much noise here from our big Northwest storm that we've been bracing for. I've heard there are about 30,000 people out of power though. They promise it'll get ugly tonight--just in time for the evening commute.

New Year's- I noticed this morning that I still have the rhinestone pin that's a big snowflake on my black purse that I put on every New Year's Eve. Here's the funny part: we never left the house! We may actually be becoming hermits, as we're just too darn comfortable at home.

Bush-Oh, dear! I hear he's about to send even more troops to Iraq. Our poor troops. Maybe the Democrats can pass a law that he can't send anyone else unless his daughters are at the top of the list.

On my TV-The decorating shows on HGTV. I am so hooked! Not only with the gorgeous, spendy decorating ideas, but their shows where they remake a room without spending any money. And they are funny too--although they don't realize it. I've actually heard them suggest that some homeowners get rid of their books to end clutter! Sometimes, they even go and buy different books just for their decorating value. I've often described my home as being decorated in Early Library, so I find this approach way past ludicrous! Get rid of a book? I'd sooner get rid of my secret chocolate stash!

On my bed table-New research on the Comanches. Actually, the research isn't new, but my Google skills have greatly improved.

Quote du jour:

Benjamin Martin: "I will not fight, and because I will not fight I will not cast a vote that will send others to fight in my stead." The Patriot, courtesy of the Quote Geek

(What a concept!)

January 06, 2007

You're out there!!!

Bud's New Year's date...
Sculpture by Joyce Stevens

1-06-07- Oh, my gosh!!! I just realized I have comments posted that I never noticed! I guess I just gave up on anyone actually reading this thing, and stopped checking! I've always liked hearing from my readers, and would never intentionally ignore them. If you have written, please forgive me--I'll start checking the messages today.
I should mention that there is no notification of messages, and readers who post on my notes years back will probably not be seen. Maybe you could email me directly.
Quote du jour:
"The one who tells the stories rules the world." (Hopi)
The Soul Would have No Rainbow If The Eyes had No Tears
Guy A. Zona

Big soup!

2006 Christmas tree...

1-6-06-I had to bail out before I finished my thoughts about too much salt in our childrens' diets at last post. You see, my husband cooks big. BIG. I heard a distress call from the kitchen because he couldn't find enough plastic lids for the containers to put the Spanish chicken soup I'd asked him to make for dinner. After we each had a big bowl, he put away 26 (!) cartons of soup. What did he boil the water in, our hot tub?! But it is delish; I have it so good around here. The freezer is always filled with homemade chili con carne, chicken noodle soup, spaghetti, etc. How perfect for a writer!

Anyway, I'm sure we'll have lots of guidance on this salt thing. We'd better. It's bad enough that we're messing up our own health.

Quote du jour:
"The more you do, the more you can do." Thomas Jefferson

January 01, 2007

At last! something we can fix!

01-01-06--Get ready, get set, go! I mean go to work, Congress—not go to work campaigning.
Speaking of campaigning, aren’t ya’ll sick of all these never-will-win-couldn’t –win-if-they-were-three-times-as-good-as-they-are candidates? Where do they get their egos? Go home! You’re not part of the solution, you are part of the problem!
Our kids—Now comes research that our children are getting too many kidney stones from the salt in processed foods. At last! Something we can fix! How many of you moms and dads can stay home and cook nutritious meals for your family?
I didn’t think so.
I can barely find time to feed myself. But this news could be a blessing in disguise. I’m not a nutritionist, but couldn’t we scale down on the complexity of our meals and save time as well as improve the diet of our children? I’m thinking more salads, soups and sandwiches on whole wheat bread (hold the processed meats please).

Happy New Year, ya’ll! Let’s make it a good one!

On my DVD—The Devil Wears Prada—What a shallow, dumb, been done over and over movie. BUT I would watch Meryl Strep play solitaire on film, and she had the best hairdo I’ve seen in a long time.

On my TV—Still Keith Olbermann on Countdown.

On my bed table—The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman—since it was almost banned by our local school district, I thought I should reread it.

Quote du jour:
“Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.”